Michigan Department of Education Technology Planning - Intended to offer a vision regarding the use of technology in education, advance existing and planned technology activities and advocate for the increase of statewide dialogue on this important policy issue. - http://techplan.org/
Michigan Education Report - Quarterly publication from the Mackinac Center for Public Policy. - http://www.educationreport.org/pubs/mer/cover.asp?ID=7020
Michigan Electronic Library: Education Section - Classified and annotated directory of education resources for teachers and others, with a special emphasis on Michigan. - http://web.mel.org/viewtopic.jsp?id=10
Michigan Department of Education - On-line phone directory, reports, resources from various offices throughout the Michigan Department of Education. - http://www.michigan.gov/mde
Michigan EPIC - Creating a free internet resource dedicated to delivering engaging, dynamic electronic materials that incorporate primary and secondary resources for K-12 students and educators. - http://www.michiganepic.org
Wonderama - Wonderama is a Lansing based company providing assembly and hands-on programs in science and math to students in Michigan. - http://www.wonderama.org