Michigan Oil And Gas Association - Described as the collective voice of the petroleum industry in the state, MOGA represents the exploration, drilling, production, transportation, processing and storage of crude oil and natural gas. - http://www.michiganoilandgasassociation.org/
Michigan Association of REALTORS® - Licensing information, education, legislative advocacy, housing statistics, calendar of events, consumer resources, and member resources. - http://www.mirealtors.com/
Council of Logistics Management - The Michigan Roundtables is a source for logistics and supply chain management related events, information, and networking in the state. - http://www.mi-clm.org/
Michigan Municipal Treasurers Association - Calendar of events, certification forms, elected officials, membership information and member links. - http://www.mmta-mi.org/
Small Business Association of Michigan (SBAM) - Provides leadership in the promotion of free enterprise and other common interests of small businesses. Money saving benefits, weekly business tips, and resources for small business owners. - http://www.sbam.org/