Lakeside Artworks - Specializing in creating murals for backdrops, entryways, billboards, commercials, tradeshow booths, community centers, and theatre sets. -
Art Serve Michigan - An cultural organization promoting art as a valuable community resource. Offers, education, advocacy, services, awards, and membership information. -
Michigan Humanities Council - The state's affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Dedicated to fostering intellectual and cultural life in Michigan communities by awarding grants and providing programs and services. -
The Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators: Michigan - Professional organization dedicated to serving the people who write, illustrate, or share a vital interest in children's literature. Membership information, articles, member directory, calendar of events, mailing list, speakers directory, and members' are -
Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs - Provides information about the Council, grants offered, a directory of art fairs, and a directory of related arts links. -,1607,7-160-17445_19272---,00.html
Mixed Vegetables Improv Group - Touring improvisational group. Performs for private parties, schools, religious groups, charity events, and business meetings. -
Michigan Association of Community Arts Agencies - Supports, strengthens, and unites community arts and cultural organizations in Michigan. Membership information, programs and services, resource center, calendar of events, and directory. -