Bureau of Animal Health - Charged with preventing the spread of contagious diseases in domestic animals by enforcing laws relative to the inspection, quarantine and care of animals affected with or exposed to contagious disease. Information provided on rabies, reportable diseases, - http://www.mass.gov/agr/animalhealth/
Environmental League of Massachusetts - Dedicated to protecting the air, water, and land for the people of the commonwealth. Volunteer jobs, activist tools, and related news. - http://www.environmentalleague.org
Massachusetts Watershed Coalition - Strengthens the work of watershed associations and allied groups in state. Includes event information, membership signup, and list of associated groups. - http://www.commonwaters.org/
Living with Wildlife - Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals program information; includes newsletter, discussion forum, and resources. - http://www.livingwithwildlife.org/
Massachusetts Environmental Trust - Environmental philanthropy established by the Massachusetts Legislature in 1988 through the settlement of a federal lawsuit over the pollution of Boston Harbor. - http://www.massenvironmentaltrust.org/
MassRecycle Publications - Statewide coalition dedicated to promoting benefits of recylcing. Publication information and events calendar. - http://www.massrecycle.org/
Silent Spring Institute, Inc. - Partnership of scientists and citizens concerned about environmental links to breast cancer. Contains information on the institute, its projects and publications. - http://www.silentspring.org/
Massachusetts Climate Action Network - A network of local and statewide groups dedicated to halting the threat of global climate change. Contains a profile, legislations, information on local chapters, and calendar of events. - http://www.massclimateaction.org/
Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management - State information on topics such as coastal water quality, coastal wetlands ecology, shoreline access, port planning, underwater archaeology, and marine aquaculture. - http://www.state.ma.us/czm/czm.htm
WasteCap of Massachusetts - Statewide, nonprofit organization that helps companies reduce and recycle nonhazardous solid waste and buy recycled-content products. Includes recycling services directory, events calendar, and donor information. - http://www.wastecap.org/
Massachusetts Sierra Club - State chapter of national organization provides news, action alerts, events calendar and information on how to get involved. - http://www.sierraclubmass.org/