MBTA: Schedules and Maps - Detailed route maps for the public transit system, including subway, buses, commuter rail, and boats. - http://www.mbta.com/schedules_and_maps/
1937 Boston Area Highway Map - Black-and-white view created for the Colonial Beacon Oil Company (Esso). - http://www.schlichtman.org/mahighways/boston37.html
Boston and Its Environs - Circa 1800 map showing Boston and surrounding areas. - http://www.earlyamerica.com/earlyamerica/maps/bostonmap/index.html
SmarTraveler - Boston Traffic Cameras - Webcams focused on area highways. - http://www.smartraveler.com/scripts/bos_video.asp?city=bos&cityname=Boston
WizeGuides - Boston - A Flash map of the Boston subway system overlaid onto detailed street maps, pinpointing restaurants, accommodations, shops, and attractions. - http://www.wizeguides.com/wizeguides/