Habitat for Humanity - North Shore - Offers project highlights, volunteer information, committee directory, and homeowner opportunities. - http://www.habitatforhumanity-northshore.com/
Animal Umbrella - A no-kill organization dedicated to the rescue, spay/neuter, adoption and welfare of homeless cats in Massachusetts. Includes photos of cats available for adoption and adoption stories. - http://animalumbrella.org/
Lynn Massachusetts Genealogy Project - Provides resource collection for those researching their genes in area. - http://www.rootsweb.com/~maclynn/
IUE-CWA Local 201 - Local labor union representing workers at GE, Ametek Aerospace, and Lynn Waste Water Treatment facility. Includes local newspaper articles, health and safety information and political action as well as negotiated local agreements. - http://local201iuecwa.org/
Mary Baker Eddy - Founder of Christian Science. - http://www.longyear.org/mbe.html