Historical Markers: Charlestown - List with description and location of historic sites in the neighborhood. - http://www.bostonhistory.org/m_charles.php
Charlestown Online - A community forum for residents, as well as a resource for information about our neighborhood. A bulletin board and calendar of events are provided. - http://www.charlestownonline.net/
Charlestown Business Association - Promotes business in neighborhood; includes map, historial attractions directory, photo gallery, and newsletter. - http://www.charlestownbusiness.com/
Charlestown Preservation Society - Provides architectural history, upcoming events calendar, membership details, and newsletter. - http://www.charlestownpreservation.org/
Charlestown: History in Pictures and Maps - The history of Charlestown in maps from the 18th century to the present, and historic engravings and postcards. - http://www.swiss.ai.mit.edu/~rauch/charlestown/