Jug Bay Market Garden - A small organic farm growing vegetables, cut flowers, herbs, and berries. Includes Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) information and crop list. - http://mysite.verizon.net/vzetp5so/jugbaymarketgarden/
Croom, Maryland - Tom Cavanaugh offers local news, links, and the War of 1812 information. - http://www.tc-solutions.com/croom/
Saint Thomas Parish - An historic church of colonial origin, organized in the 1670's. Find history, worship schedule, and calendar of events. - http://stthomascroom.edow.org/
Merkle Wildlife Sanctuary and Visitor's Center - Find center information and hiking trails from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. - http://www.dnr.state.md.us/publiclands/southern/merkle.html