Osher Scholarship - For students interested in attending Maine Technical Colleges, the scholarship covers tuition for two core courses in the Associate in Arts program. - http://www.mccs.me.edu/student/osher.html
Senator George J. Mitchell Scholarship Research Institute - Provides scholarships to Maine students attending Maine colleges, researches student aspirations, and determines ways to remove obstacles to obtaining a college education. - http://www.mitchellinstitute.org/
The Barking Foundation - A private, non-profit foundation providing scholarships for accredited post-secondary education to State of Maine residents, based on their financial need. - http://www.barkingfoundation.org/
FAME: Finance Authority of Maine - Maine's business and higher education financial aid agency. FAME works closely with Maine's lending community, offering a variety of loan, grant and scholarship programs. - http://www.famemaine.com/
Maine Education Services Foundation - Maine's leading resource for low cost educational financing, college guidance and career planning. - http://www.mesfoundation.com/