Louisiana Mental Health Clinics - Link page of larger state agency website providing links to clinics operated by Office of Mental Health. - http://www.dhh.state.la.us/offices/page.asp?ID=62&Detail=3545
The Mental Health Association in Louisiana - Contains information about mental health, advocacy issues, public education, juvenile justice issues, mental illness and mental health awareness programs in Louisiana. - http://www.mhal.org
The Louisiana Neuropsychology Center of Baton Rouge - Private mental health practice offering evaluation, intervention, and rehabilitation services for children, adolescent, adult, and geriatric clients. - http://www.louisiananeuropsych.com
LD Online - Louisiana Resources - Louisiana section of a national website that provides local contact information for agencies and programs serving the needs of children and adults who have Learning Disabilities/Attention Deficit Disorder. - http://www.ldonline.org/finding_help/local_org/louisiana.html
Liz Simon, LCSW - New Orleans practitioner who works with a broad range of counseling issues with individuals, couples, groups and families. - http://www.lizsimon.com
Hypnosis Institute of New Orleans - New Orleans based private practice specializing in hypnotherapy, counseling and psychiatry. - http://www.hypnosisinstitute.net
Louisiana Office of Mental Health - Official site providing access to publications, descriptions of services, consumer resources, and statewide directories for programs and facilities. - http://www.dhh.state.la.us/OMH/
Family and Youth Counseling Agency - Louisiana based non-profit facility that offers extensive programs and support services for children and their families. - http://www.fyca.org
Louisiana Special Olympics - Site provides history of organization, a calendar and descriptions of events, fund raising activities and links to other state, national, and international chapters. - http://www.laso.org