Kentucky Department of Education
- Site has information on schools and school districts and includes resources for parents, teachers, and administrators.
Partnership for Successful Schools - Independent, nonpartisan organization providing programs and strategies which focus community and employer energy on school improvement efforts. Includes a list of the board of directors, descriptions of programs, and ways to get involved. Located in Lexi -
Council on Postsecondary Education - Provides a list of state supported colleges and universities within the Commonwealth, including links. -
Commonwealth Institute for Parent Leadership - Trains parents to work with teachers and other parents to raise student achievement in their home communities. Includes selection criteria and contact details. - - Lists all high schools in Kentucky, along with addresses and phone numbers. -
Kentucky Council on Economic Education - Non-profit economic education organization that provides training for (K-12) teachers and provides EconomicsAmerica curriculum for the classroom. -
Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority - Provides useful information about college financial aid for students, parents, financial aid administrators, and high school guidance counselors. -
Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence - An independent, non-partisan, non-profit organization of Kentucky parents and citizens working to improve education in the Commonwealth at all levels. -