Kentucky Association of Counties - Representing the needs of county government in legislative matters and offering a variety of services. Includes calendar, directory of county officials and staff directory. -
Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development - Provides a search for available industrial sites. Includes maps, demographics, directories of area colleges and universities, quick facts and information about quality of life. -
Kentucky Counties - Alphabetical Table - Gives county seat, parent county, the dates of any disasters and whether county records were destroyed, and links to the county web sites. -
National Association of Counties (NACo) - Kentucky Counties - Provides a list of counties with 2000 census details and size. Includes a list of cities. -
Kentucky County History - Summaries by county of formation history and disasters that destroyed records. -
Kentucky Atlas and Gazetteer - County General Highway Maps - The following maps, covering about three fourths of Kentucky's counties, are available. The dates of the maps range from 1990 to 1998 and are indicated. The files are GIF images ranging in size from about 256 kilobytes up to a little more than a megabyte. -