Kansas Foodbank Warehouse - Centralized distribution point for food which goes to hunger and feeding programs throughout the state. List of their agencies, hunger statistics, and newsletters. Located in Wichita. - http://www.kansasfoodbank.org/
Make-A-Wish Foundation of Kansas - Grants wishes to children with life threatening illnesses. Features information about events, contributers, speakers, and personnel. - http://www.wishks.org/
Kansas Animal Control Association - Includes a scrapbook, calendar of educational events, bulletin board, and membership information. - http://www.kaca.net/
Kansans for Life - A non-profit educational organization also engaged in social action dedecated to protecting & fostering the basic human right of life itself. - http://www.kfl.org/
The Kansas Rural Center, Inc. - Non-profit organization that promotes the long-term health of the land and its people through research, education, and advocacy. Includes calendar, announcements, projects, newsletter, profiles and publications. Located in Whiting. - http://www.kansasruralcenter.org/
Catholic Charities Inc. - Offices in Hays, Manhattan, Colby and Salina. General information, newsletter, information on adoption, immigration and senior services, counseling, and how to make a contribution. - http://www.catholiccharitiessalina.org