Washington County Schools - USD 108   - Includes calendar, activities schedules, mission statement, school board news, directory of district and buildings personnel, lunch menu, photos, bad weather policy, high school web page, newsletter, homework links and contact information. - http://usd222.org/ 
Geary County Schools - USD 475   - Includes mission, central office directory, district facts, programs, buildings, calendar, enrollment, curriculum and instruction, special education, technology, libraries, reunions and community links. - http://www.usd475.org/ 
Hillsboro - USD 410   - Includes vision, announcements, calendar, lunch menus, buildings, student life, athletics, teachers' links, weekly story, search engines, newspaper links and phone/fax numbers. - http://www.usd410.net/ 
Highland - USD425   - Includes Board of Education information, administration, teachers and staff, alumni, calendar, schedules, menus, students' and teachers' resources, handbook, athletics, job opportunities and Delaware Valley League activities. - http://www.skyways.org/schools/usd425/ 