C.W. Suter Services - Providing heating, cooling and ventilation services to residential and commercial customers. Includes company history and contact form. Located in Sioux City and Le Mars. - http://www.cwsuter.com/
Galva Holstein Ag - Cooperative serving the communities of Holstein, Galva, Battle Creek and Ida Grove. Includes daily and market commentaries, newsletters, bulletin board, futures and newsletters. - http://www.galvaholsteinag.com/
Farmers Co-op Elevator Company of Ruthven - Providing products and services to members in five communities. Includes newsletters, market commentary , grain prices and locations. - http://www.farmerscoopelev.com/
Farmers Cooperative - Largest farmer-owned local agriculture cooperative in the state and serves over 5,800 members. Includes information about management, markets, departments, careers and locations. - http://www.fccoop.com/
Cooperative Elevator Association - Offers agronomy, feed, grain and lumber departments. Includes listing of local grain prices, agriculture news, newsletters and farming links. Locations in Ocheyedan, Hartley, Sibley and Harris. - http://www.ceacoop.com/
Farmers Cooperative Society - Providing agronomy, lumber and livestock services. Includes list of board members, grain news and bids, calendar of events, newsletter archive and locations. - http://www.farmerscoopsociety.com/
Bunkers Feed & Supply - Offers agricultural products and services. Includes company history, list of office personnel and facility hours. Located in Granville and Paullina. - http://www.bfs1.com/
United Farmers Coop - Offers information and services through multiple locations. Includes local grain prices, market news, newsletter, and contacts. - http://www.unitedfarmerscoop.com/
Midwest Farmers Coop - Provides agronomy, feed, grain, lumber and petroleum departments. Includes daily grain commentary, bids, newsletter, FAQs and locations. - http://www.midwestcoop.com/
First Cooperative Association - Full-service grain, feed, agronomy and petroleum cooperative with headquarters in Cherokee. Includes market watch, newsletter, job opportunities and locations. - http://www.firstcoop.com/
West Central Cooperative - Full-service, farmer-owned cooperative serving eight counties. Operating divisions include grain, agronomy, feed, soy processing, petroleum, and administration. Headquartered in Ralston. - http://www.west-central2.com/
Northwest Communications - Offers dialup and Excellernet wireless high speed Internet access, web design and hosting, tech support, and workshops. Includes announcements and employment opportunities. - http://www.ncn.net/
BozWellz Restaurant - Offers dining and catering service. Includes menu. Located in Storm Lake and Ida Grove. - http://www.bozwellz.com/
NorthwestIowa.com - Regional portal providing access to movies, auto shopping, real estate, events, lodging, and dining. Includes classified ads. - http://www.northwestiowa.com