Walnut Ridge Baptist Academy - Serves students in grades K-12. Includes staff directory, calendar, school forms, sports schedule, photographs, newsletters and a link to the church. - http://www.wrba.net/
Columbus High School - Catholic school provides history, virtual tour, information about the school board, academics and student life. - http://columbushigh.org/
St. Edward School - Provides information about programs, tuition, hours and contacts. - http://www.cvce.org/SaintEd1.html
Blessed Sacrament School - Home of the Crusaders serves students from preschool through grade 8. Includes mission statement, classroom pages, athletic schedules and photographs. - http://www.blessed-sacrament.pvt.k12.ia.us/
Cedar Valley Catholic Schools - Features board roster and minutes, links to the buildings, newsletter and annual progress report. - http://www.cvce.org/