Victor, Iowa - Profiles housing, population demographics, jobs, weather and climate tables. Contains a list of area hospitals, schools, airports, radio and TV broadcast stations, photographs and maps. -
Victor Local News: Topix - Local, regional, and statewide news collected from diverse sources on the web. -
Victor Health Center - Provides full-service family care for the residents of Victor as well as residents of eastern Poweshiek County and western Iowa County. Includes information about services and physician search. -
HLV Community Schools - Serves the towns of Hartwick, Ladora, and Victor. Includes general information, staff directory, calendar of events, students' section, course offerings and photographs. -
Wikipedia: Victor, Iowa - Encyclopedia article highlights geography and demographics of this community in Iowa County. -,_Iowa
Catnip Farm - Fourteen-acre farmstead in western Iowa County offers organically grown vegetables, culinary herbs, alfalfa, farm and garden signs, eggs, culinary herbs, kitty toys and crafts. Includes an catalog and order information. -
R.S. Enterprises, Inc. - Offers treated #1 yellow pine lawn furniture, garden benches, and patio furniture. Includes online catalog, order details, store location and contact information. -