Pelican Pegs Mississippi River Front Bed & Breakfast - Offers room with private bath and other amenities in a home situated on an acre of land. Includes photographs, rates and local history. - Montrose, Iowa - Profiles housing, population demographics, jobs, weather and climate tables. Contains a list of area hospitals, schools, airports, radio and TV broadcast stations, photograph and maps. -
Montrose Local News: Topix - Local, regional, and statewide news collected from diverse sources on the web. -
Wikipedia: Montrose, Iowa - Encyclopedia article features geography and demographics of this city in Lee County. -,_Iowa
City of Montrose, Iowa - Features its history, news, directory of city council, agendas and minutes, and a directory of businesses, churches, services and schools. With photographs. -
ChefMoz: Montrose - Detailed restaurant listings and dining guide with reviews submitted by the public and links to outside reviews. Search by name, cuisine, rating, or location. -