Manilla, Iowa - Profiles housing, population demographics, jobs, weather and climate tables. Contains a list of area hospitals, schools, airports, radio and TV broadcast stations, charts and maps. -
Sucrosco Seeds - Producing and selling corn hybrids and bean varieties. Includes a company profile, a list of products, technology information and map directions. -
Manilla Manor Care Facility - Offers 24 hour skilled nursing care and consultant services for the elderly. Includes details of services provided, history, activities and information about facilities. -
IKM Community Schools - Features mission statement, quick facts about the district, school history and school board directory and minutes. -
Wikipedia: Manilla, Iowa - Encyclopedia article features geography and demographics of this city in Crawford County. -,_Iowa
Manilla, Iowa - Features its history, a tour of area attractions and services, a calendar of events, details of the school district, a business directory, economic development, and driving directions. -