Edgewood - Colesburg Elementary School - Serves students in grades K-6. Contains staff directory, teacher web pages and a link to the district. - http://www.edge-cole.k12.ia.us/elementary/elem_home.html
City-Data.com: Colesburg, Iowa - Profiles housing, population demographics, jobs, weather and climate tables. Contains a list of area hospitals, schools, airports, radio and TV broadcast stations, photographs and maps. - http://www.city-data.com/city/Colesburg-Iowa.html
Wikipedia: Colesburg, Iowa - Encyclopedia article features geography and demographics of this city in Delaware County. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colesburg,_Iowa
Colesburg, Iowa - Features its history, photographs, a directory of businesses, information about city government, churches and parks. - http://www.iowatelecom.net/~cbhart/