Wikipedia: Guthrie County, Iowa - Encyclopedia article contains geography, demographics and links to cities and towns. With maps. -,_Iowa Guthrie County, Iowa - Profiles population demographics, jobs, housing, agriculture and crime statistics. Contains a list of recreational areas, churches, cemeteries, post offices, charts, graphs and maps. -
Guthrie County, Iowa - US Census Bureau - Provides population, demographic, and housing information. -
Iowa State University Extension - Guthrie County - Offers agricultural, business, family and 4-H programs and resources. Includes staff directory, news, events, hours and directions. Located in Guthrie Center. -
Guthrie County Rural Electric Cooperative - Member-owned, nonprofit electric utility serving parts of six counties in the west central region. Includes information about products and services, programs and customer accounts. Located in Guthrie Center. -
Guthrie County Tourism Council - Volunteer organization whose mission is to promote the area's communities, events and attractions. Features an overview and a directory of businesses and services, entertainment, recreational areas, and activities. Includes a calendar of events, photos, m -
Guthrie County Hospital - Established in 1950 to serve the medical needs of the county and surrounding area residents. Provides details of services, a directory of clinics, events, employment opportunities and a list of Auxiliary volunteer leaders. Located in Guthrie Center. -
Guthrie County State Bank - Serving the area since 1931 and offering full-services from branch offices in Guthrie Center and Panora. Includes its history, details of products and services, hours and locations. -
Beidelman-Twigg Funeral Home - Provides details of services, obituaries, a history of the home, and owner profiles. Locations in Panora and Guthrie Center. -