Lena State Bank - Location, banking hours, information on accounts, and online services. - http://www.lenastatebank.com/
Lingle Design Group, Inc. - Architecture, design, and construction services. - http://www.lingledesign.com/
Hatfield's Hardware and Trophies - Provides a profile of the business, location, and store hours. Also lists services and vendors. - http://www.hatfieldhardware.com/
Country Windmill - Location and hours of operation. Provides listing and pictures of available gifts and collectibles. - http://www.countrywindmill.net/
The Agency - Provides personal insurance products and investment opportunities. Location and online quotes. - http://www.theagencyins.com/
Pat Brown Realtor - Agency providing listings for residential, lots and properties, and multi-family housing. Features include agents' contact information and resources. - http://www.patbrownrealtor.com/