Riverside Flea Market - Over 65 vendors of antiques, collectibles, and garden items. Open April Through October, fourth weekend of the month. - http://www.graftonloadingdock.com/Flea_Market/flea_market.htm
LaMarsh House Gift Shop - Historical stone house filled with unique gift ideas. Features include an illustrated house history and details on shop specialities. - http://www.lamarshhouse.com/
Piasa Winery and Gift Shop - Stone-house winery overlooking historic Shafer's Wharf and a great view of the confluence of the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers. Complimentary wine tasting, rare and well-known wines, and local and regional wines including wines from the Piasa Winery vi - http://www.piasawinery.com/
Grafton Technologies - Internet connectivity and computer services in Grafton and Jersey County. Website with local links and technical assistance. - http://www.gtec.com/