Project Reach - A special education program for children and youth affected by deaf-blindness, persons who have both auditory and visual impairments; administered by the Philip J. Rock Center and School. -
College Illinois - A 529 savings program for prepaid college tuition run by the Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) designed to help with financial planning and savings for college. -
Bright Start Savings - A qualified state tuition program designed by the State of Illinois to give parents, grandparents and friends of a child a better way to save for college. Features online account sign-up and maintenance, FAQs, and financial tools. -
Illinois Century Network - The telecommunications backbone providing high speed access to data, video, and audio communication in schools and libraries, at colleges and universities, to public libraries and museums, and for local government and state agencies. -
IEL - Illinois Early Learning Program - Provides standards, resources, and events calendar, contacts and news regarding early childhood education. Developed by the Illinois State Board of Education with the assistance of hundreds of educators, and parents. English and EspaƱol options. -
Illinois Network of Literacy - Illinois' response to the creation of State Resource Centers in the National Literacy Act of 1991. Information on adult literacy programs available. -