Ocean Atlas of Hawaii - A description of the ocean around Hawai'i: marine climate, water properties, currents, tides and waves. - http://radlab.soest.hawaii.edu/atlas/
Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center - Administers programs supporting domestic and international conservation and management of marine resources. - http://www.nmfs.hawaii.edu/
NESDIS/NODC/NCDDC Hawaii/Pacific Liaison - Responsibility for the receiving, safekeeping and serving of oceanographic, meteorological, geological and biological data and information. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) - http://ilikai.soest.hawaii.edu/HILO/
Kewalo Marine Laboratory - Access to the Marine Invertebrate Reproduction Database and information about sponsored research, events and scientists. - http://www.kewalo.hawaii.edu/
Hawaii Sea Grant - Committed to the improved understanding, management and wise use of marine resources of the State of Hawaii. With its Sea Grant Extension Service, Sea Grant promotes marine Ecosystem-Based Management, aquaculture, coastal ecotourism, marine education and - http://www.soest.hawaii.edu/SEAGRANT/index.html