U.S. Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee - Deals with executive branch reorganization, National Archives, federal accounting, census, congressional reorganization within Senate rules, civil service, D.C. affairs, nuclear exports, Postal Service, federal employee compensation, Comptroller General, - http://hsgac.senate.gov/
U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee - Has jurisdiction over energy policy, regulation, and research. Also deals with energy and mineral conservation, ports used for energy transport, irrigation, reclamation, mining, parks and similar resources, petroleum reserves in Alaska, public lands, and - http://energy.senate.gov/
U.S. Senate Rules and Administration Committee - Deals with Senate infrastructure, assigning offices, Senate rules, attendance, corruption, member qualifications, contested elections, federal elections generally, Government Printing Office, Congressional Record, presidential succession, monuments, Libra - http://rules.senate.gov/
U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation - Committee jurisdiction includes the Coast Guard, coastal management, communications, highway safety, waterways, interstate commerce, maritime commerce, fisheries, merchant marine, nonmilitary aeronautics, oceans, weather, atmosphere, consumer products, en - http://commerce.senate.gov/
U.S. Senate Banking Committee - Committee has jurisdiction over banking, economic policy, financial institutions, price controls, deposit insurance, economic stabilization and defense production, exports, monetary and related policy, aid to industry, nursing homes, housing, government c - http://banking.senate.gov/