Photos of 55th Presidential Inauguration - photographs commemorating the celebrations that took place during the 55th Presidential Inauguration of George W. Bush -
Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies (JCCIC) - Plans and executes all Capitol activities for the 55th Inauguration of the President of the United States on January 20, 2005, including the swearing-in ceremony. Receives requests collected by the Armed Forces Inaugural Committee (AFIC) to participate in -
Inaugural Quiz - Offers a set of questions pertianing to inaugural trivia and history. Part of the US National Archives and Records Administration's Digital Classroom. -
Inauguration Fact File: InfoPlease - Media coverage, famous addresses, inaugural trivia, and life after the presidency. Facts and figures about the presicency. -
Presidential Inaugural Addresses - View or search full text versions of past presidential inaugural addresses and speeches. -
Official Presidential Inaugural Medals - Offers front and back views of Presidential and Vice Presidential medallions as well as information on how they are made and a selected bibliography. -
The Presidential Inaugural - Series of documentary photographs provided by the Smithsonian Institution. -
Inaugural Addresses - Offers text versions of inagural and State of the Union addresses from United States presidents, from Washington to Clinton. -
Inaugural Address Search - Offers access to the inaugural addresses of George Washington through George Bush, Sr. Provided by the Avalon Project at Yale University. -