U.S. Department of Energy
- DOE's home page is organized by topic, including Data and Prices, Efficiency, Environmental Quality, National Security, Science and Technology, and Sources and Production.
- http://www.energy.gov/
Energy Sciences Network (ESnet) - A high-speed network serving thousands of Department of Energy scientists and collaborators worldwide. - http://www.es.net/
Office of Policy and International Affairs - Information on energy policy development and implementation, international science and technology, libraries, and agreements. - http://www.pi.energy.gov/
Office of Environmental Management (EM) - Responsible for U.S. DOE environmental restoration, waste management, technology development, and facility transition and management. - http://www.em.doe.gov
Office of Science and Technology Information (OSTI) - Disseminates scientific and technical information from department research and development, and environmental programs. Search key collections, review project summaries, or view informational videos. Based in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. - http://www.osti.gov/