BBC News In Depth: US Elections 2000 - News and analysis of the election, the legal battle, world reaction, the legacy of Clinton and the direction of George W. Bush's administration in the first 100 days. Includes profiles, texts and transcripts, slideshows, interactives, audio and video. -
Guardian Special Reports: US Election 2000 - News, analysis and commentary on the election and court cases. Includes key documents, interactives, profiles, audio reports and photo galleries. -,2759,376727,00.html
Economist Election Briefing: Yes, It Matters - Collection of articles on the election issues and the candidates' stands on trade, foreign policy, social security, education, gun control and the death penalty. -
New York Times: The Internet and Politics - Articles about the "wired" campaigning that occurred in 2000. -
Washington Post Presidential Coverage - Metalibrary of stories regarding the 2000 Presidential campaign. Sorted chronologically and by candidate. -