Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers - Primary internet hub linking information and resources within the network of National Science Foundation funded centers, located at academic institutions throughout the United States. -
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) - Access to NCAR strategic plan, research reports and discussion of program areas. Operated by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research under a cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation. Mission includes atmospheric science, spac -
NSF: Awards Search - Find abstracts of NSF-sponsored research projects dating back to 1989 in the fields of science and engineering (topics of study include math, biology, engineering, agriculture, science and more). -
COS - NSF Search - Committee of Science search engine for NSF grants. -
COS - NSF search by Investigator - Find summaries of recent NSF-sponsored research projects by grant type, title, or investigator. -
National Science Foundation - NSF - Opportunities for research and education funding in all areas of science and engineering. -