Piedmont Lakes Middle School - Events, resources, location, hours, curriculum guide, and programs. - http://www.mpd.ocps.net/
Trinity Christian School Apopka - A private school located just outside of Orlando, teaching daycare and preschool up to 8th grade. News, schedules, staff, location and contact details. - http://www.tcsapopka.org/
Bear Lake Elementary School - School address, contact information, and hours. - http://www.scps.k12.fl.us/schools/index.cfm?&schoolnumber=0031
Apopka Middle School - Reading list, athletics, faculty, lunch menus, and newsletter. - http://www.apopkamiddle.ocps.k12.fl.us/
Apopka High School - Classroom pages, organizations, seniors, sports, and guidance. - http://darter.ocps.k12.fl.us
Kid-e-place - A preschool center located in Orlando with an additional location in Apopka. Offers information about the learning programs and staff, as well as photos. - http://www.kid-e-place.com