Florida Hospital Association - Non-profit association representing hospitals throughout the state. Membership, publications, and educational program information. - http://www.fha.org/
Florida Association of Health Planning Agencies - Non-profit group coordinating government involvement with health care. Map dividing state into 11 districts, with contact information for each district office. FAQs. - http://www.flhealthplanning.org/
Northwest Florida and Big Bend Health Councils - Developing district health plans, increasing access to medical services, monitoring health policies and educating the public on health issues. - http://www.healthcouncils.org
Florida Surgical Society - Seeking to enlighten and direct public opinion about general surgery, and to foster the highest standards of training and quality patient care. - http://www.floridasurgicalsociety.org
Network of Florida Otolaryngologists - An organization with statewide membership dedicated to providing the highest in quality care of the ears, nose, and throat. Membership, physician find, and FAQs. - http://www.floridaent.org/
Intervention Project for Nurses - Provides intervention and monitoring of nurses impaired by the use or misuse of alcohol or drugs. Includes objectives, history, staff members, frequently asked questions, list of services, events, and statistics. - http://www.ipnfl.org/
Florida Chiropractic Society - Patient/consumer information, local chapters, continuing education, memberships - http://www.fcschiro.com