Tennessee School Boards Association - News and information about the organization, programs to train and assist local board members, current legislative issues, and related topics. - http://www.tsba.net/
Council of the Great City Schools - An organization of the nation's largest urban public school systems, advocating K-12 education in inner-city schools, and governed by superintendents and board of education members from 55 cities across the country - http://www.cgcs.org
New Jersey School Boards Association - Meeting schedules, board member directories, news, and details of labor relations, legal, and training services. - http://www.njsba.org
New Hampshire School Boards Association - Includes mission statement, board of directors, meeting minutes, workshop and conference calendar, legislative updates, and services of the NHSBA. - http://www.nhsba.org
Ohio School Boards Association - Includes mail list, executive search page, list of board member mentors, news, events, vendors. - http://www.osba-ohio.org
South Carolina School Boards Association - Non-profit organization for boards serving the state's public school districts; read the mission statement, find out about training and services, or learn about legislative initiatives. - http://www.scsba.org/