Exceptional Children Group - Provides the leadership to ensure that Delaware delivers an effective system of education for exceptional children that is in full compliance with Federal and State laws. - http://www.doe.state.de.us/programs/specialed/
Division for the Visually Impaired (DVI) - Provides a network of services designed to facilitate the lifelong social, emotional and economic independence of Delawareans who are blind and visually impaired. - http://www.state.de.us/dhss/dvi/index.html
Delawawe Assistive Technology Initiative - DATI - The Delaware Assistive Technology Initiative (DATI) connects Delawareans who have disabilities with the tools they need in order to participate in community life safely and independently.; - http://www.dati.org
Rehabilitation Robotics Research Program - A collection of research projects to aid persons with manipulative disabilities. - http://www.asel.udel.edu/robotics/
NICHCY Delaware State Sheet - Contact information for disability resources. - http://nichcy.org/stateshe/de.htm
ElderWeb: Regions: Delaware - Links for caregivers, providers, and advisors to the frail elderly to on-line information about health, financial, legal, housing, aging, and other eldercare issues. - http://www.elderweb.com/default.php3?PageID=1234
Family Village -- Delaware Resources - Information, resources, communication opportunities for persons with disabilities. - http://www.familyvillage.wisc.edu/comm/delaware.html
Delaware Assistive Technology Initiative - Focuses on improving public awareness, public access to information, funding for assistive technology devices and services, training and technical assistance, and coordination of statewide activities. - http://www.asel.udel.edu/dati/
DFRC - Nonprofit organization identifying and funding programs based on community need. Provides information on fund raising programs and events. - http://www.blue-gold.org/
Developmental Disabilities Council of Delaware - Addresses the unmet needs of people with developmental disabilities through system-wide advocacy, planning and demonstration projects. - http://www.state.de.us/ddc/