The Mattabesset River Watershed Association - Overview, publications, photos, watershed map and information on membership and activities for watershed that covers area starting from Newington-New Britain-Rocky HIll and runs south to shoreline towns. -
Eastern Connecticut Conservation District - Newsletter and information on events, board of directors, projects and field offices. -
Thames River Basin Partnership - Voluntary, cooperative effort to share organizational resources and to develop a regional approach to natural resource protection that grew out of locally led workshops held by the region's Soil and Water Conservation Districts. -
Connecticut's Clean Marina Program - Voluntary program that encourages inland and coastal marina operators to minimize pollution. -
Connecticut's Water Resources - Information on ground water, rivers and streams, wetlands, Long Island Sound and lakes and ponds from the State Department of Environmental Protection. -|
Connecticut Lakes and Ponds - Program by the state's Department of Environmental Protection to acquire data on water depth, quality, aquatic vegetation and bottom materials for the lakes and ponds for which the State has management and recreational responsibilities. -
Mansfield Hollow Lake - Ecological and recreational information from the Connecticut DEP on lake also known as Naubesatuck Lake, which straddles the towns of Mansfield in Tolland County, and Windham in Windham County. -
Quinnipiac River Watershed Association - Organization dedicated to the preservation of the Quinnipiac River, which originates in the ridges of Farmington and Plainville, and flows to its estuary in New Haven on Long Island Sound. Maps, photos, events calendar, programs and membership information -
Connecticut's Streamwalk Initiative - Program description, FAQs, Streamwalk manual and links to related sites. -
Beach Watch: Connecticut - Beach-specific information such as water quality, advisories and closings. Provided by the National Health Protection Survey of Beaches office of the EPA. -
Connecticut Sea Grant - Program of the University of Connecticut and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration that fosters the conservation and wise use of aquatic, coastal and marine resources through research, outreach and education. -
Rivers: Rivers of Connecticut - River news, opinions, river law, events and resources. Part of the National Rivers Website. -
Connecticut Federation of Lakes - Promoting the understanding and comprehensive management of lakes, ponds, and watershed associations in the state. -
SoundWaters - Dedicated to educating children and adults about Long Island Sound and its watershed. News, volunteer and job opportunities, newsletter, membership, information about schooner and educational programs and events. -
American Water Works Association, CT Section - International nonprofit scientific and educational society dedicated to the improvement of drinking water quality and supply. -
Surf Your Watershed: Connecticut - Environmental profile, including water quality, beach monitoring sites, stream gauging stations, real-time water data, fact sheets and other information for the state's watersheds. Also provides interactive map which provides further information on local -
My Sound - EPA/UConn project provides real-time water quality monitoring data from Long Island Sound in order to enhance the appreciation, knowledge and use of The Sound. -
River Protections Commissions - Map showing the rivers and streams in the state with color key of the overseeing commissions which protect them. -
MDC Environmental Services - Information on water pollution control, maintenance of the Connecticut River, hydroelectric facilities and management of the municipal watershed. -
Human Impacts on Tidal Wetlands - Extensive look at the history and evolution of the state's tidal wetlands, by Ron Rozsa, Ecologist, Office of Long Island Sound Programs, Connecticut DEP. -
Connecticut Coastal Embayments - Summary of project which identified degradation of salt marshes as a result of tidal flow restrictions caused by transportation facilities. -
Connecticut Coastal Salt Marsh Studies - Summary of technical analysis project of all eastern Connecticut salt marshes which resulted in numerous sites being recommended for restoration. -
Save the Sound, Inc. - Nonprofit membership organization dedicated to the restoration, protection and appreciation of Long Island Sound and its watershed. -
Rivers Alliance of Connecticut - Statewide coalition of river organizations and individuals formed to protect and enhance the state's rivers by promoting sound river and watershed policies. -
Soundkeeper - Promotes the protection and enhancement of the biological, physical and chemical integrity of Long Island Sound and its watershed. Information on programs, geological history, weather, tides, fishing and boating, and membership. -
The Long Island Sound Foundation - Organization which promotes awareness and environmentally-sound practices to preserve the Sound. Events calendar, mission statement, publications, resources and links. -