Woodbury United Methodist Church - Offers an overview, worship, ministries, history, newsletter, education, directions and a calendar. - http://www.gbgm-umc.org/woodburyumc-ct/
Woodbury Scholarship Fund, Inc. - Provides financial assistance to post secondary education students as they pursue higher education and to help support and encourage academic achievements. - http://www.wsfund.org/
Woodbury Lions Club - Provides community service such as donations to community groups, scholarships to residents, eye research and assistance with local eye exams. - http://www.woodburyctlions.org/
Woodbury, Connecticut 1790 Census - Alphabetically sorted text list. - http://www.rootsweb.com/~ctlitch2/1790census/woodbury1790.htm
Nonnebots Team 38 - History. photos, forums and information on robotics team from Nonnewaug High School. - http://www.nonnebots.com/