Willimantic Victorian Neighborhood Association - Organization that strives to educate and assist the community in the preservation and promotion of the Victorian history, architecture and character of the town. - http://www.victorianwillimantic.org/
The Green Party of Connecticut - Northeast chapter of state political party and activist organization. - http://www.ctgreens.org/ne/
Thread City Bread - Willimantic area's special type of money that's issued and used as a fun and effective means of barter to promote local business, get people working and foster community. - http://www.snet.net/features/insights/articles/1998/08060101.shtml
Covenant Soup Kitchen - Program based at Saint Paul's Episcopal Church that serves breakfast and lunch six days a week and operates a emergency food pantry five days a week. - http://www.covenantsoupkitchen.org/
Windham Textile & History Museum - Housed in buildings constructed in 1877 at the Windham Mills complex in Willimantic. - http://www.millmuseum.org/