East Shore Middle School - Current events plus information on after school activities and school teams. - http://teacherweb.com/CT/EastShoreMS/SchoolHomePage/SDHP1.stm
Orchard Hills School - Public school for grades K-5. - http://teacherweb.com/CT/OrchardHills/SchoolHomePage/SDHP1.stm
Calf Pen Meadow - Public school for grades K-5. - http://teacherweb.com/CT/CalfPenMeadowSchool/SchoolHomePage/SDHP1.stm
Simon Lake Elementary School - Mission statement, school newsletter, principal's message and general information. - http://www.milforded.org/schools/simonlake/index.html
Pumpkin Delight Elementary School - Pre-K information, school calendar, photo gallery, FAQ, bus and lunch information. - http://teacherweb.com/CT/PumpkinDelight/SchoolHomePage/SDHP1.stm
Mathewson Elementary School - Principal's message, upcoming events, school calendar and information on PTA and media center. - http://teacherweb.com/CT/MathewsonSchool/SchoolHomePage/SDHP1.stm
Live Oaks Elementary School - Newsletters, family resources, online lessons, FAQ, forms, links and lunch menu. - http://teacherweb.com/CT/LiveOaksSchool/SchoolHomePage/SDHP1.stm
John F. Kennedy School - Principal's message, lunch menu, calendar, FAQ, policies and information on community projects. - http://teacherweb.com/CT/JFK_Milford/SchoolHomePage/SDHP1.stm
Foran High School - Information on academics, athletics, faculty and staff. - http://www.teacherweb.com/CT/ForanHS/SchoolHomePage/SDHP1.stm
Orange Avenue School - Public elementary school for grades K-5. - http://www.teacherweb.com/CT/OrangeAveElementarySchool/SchoolHomePage/SDHP1.stm
Jonathan Law High School - Information on departments, guidance, clubs, athletics and school calendar. - http://www.milforded.org/schools/jlaw/
Platt Regional Vocational Technical School - Information provided on academics, technologies, student activities, athletics and adult education programs. - http://www.cttech.org/platt/
West Shore Middle School - Public school for grades 6-8. - http://www.milforded.org/schools/westshore/ws/index.html
Harborside Middle School - Public school for grades 6-8. - http://www.milforded.org/schools/harborside/index.html