Fairfield Warde High School - School profile, news, calendar and information on departments, school clubs, guidance and Mustang sports. - https://www.edline.net/pages/fwhs
Tomlinson Middle School - Features school event calendar, program details, news, staff listings and contact information. - https://www.edline.net/pages/TOMLINSON_MS
Osborn Hill School - Information on art, music, physical education and media center for K-5 school. - https://www.edline.net/pages/OHS
Fairfield Woods Middle School - Mission statement, student handbook, school calendar and information on extracurricular activities, special events and PTSA. - https://www.edline.net/InterstitialLogin.page
Roger Ludlowe Middle School - Fairfield school site features teacher listings, sports statistics and photos and program details. - http://www.fairfield.k12.ct.us/rogerludlowe/
Stratfield School - Public school for grades 1-5. - http://www.fairfield.k12.ct.us/stratfield/
Roger Sherman Elementary School - Information on principal, nurse, media center, special events and classrooms. - http://www.fairfield.k12.ct.us/sherman/index.htm
Holand Hill Elementary School - Principal's message and information on classrooms and library media center. - http://www.fairfield.k12.ct.us/holland/index.htm
Riverfield School - K-5 school offers news and information on its teachers, support staff and calendar. - http://www.fairfield.k12.ct.us/riverfield/
Mill Hill School - Public school for grades K-5 located in the Southport section. - http://www.fairfield.k12.ct.us/millhill/
McKinley Elementary School - Classrooms, departments, library media center, programs and school overview. - http://www.fairfield.k12.ct.us/mckinley/
Jennings Elementary School - Teachers' pages, principal's page and information on PTA and library media center. - http://www.fairfield.k12.ct.us/jennings/
Timothy Dwight Elementary School - Principal's message, PTA calendar and information on classrooms, teachers and library media center. - http://www.fairfield.k12.ct.us/dwight/
Fairfield Public Schools - Information on the district, individual schools and Board of Education activities. - http://www.fairfield.k12.ct.us/