Henry Abbott Technical School - School overview and information on academics, technical studies, athletics and adult education. - http://www.cttech.org/ABBOTT/
Danbury High School - Newsletter, calendar and information on departments, student services and administration. - http://www.danbury.k12.ct.us/dhsweb/main/index.html
Stadley Rough Elementary School - Parent information, breakfast and lunch menu, school services, PTO, language arts, mission statement and map to school. - http://www.danbury.k12.ct.us/Elemweb/strweb/
South Street School - News, Principal's message, history and parent-teacher information. - http://www.danbury.k12.ct.us/Elemweb/sssweb/index.htm
Shelter Rock School - Profile of Principal and staff, mission statement, special events, lunch menu and academic links. - http://www.danbury.k12.ct.us/Elemweb/srweb/index.htm
Roberts Avenue Elementary School - Public school for grades K-5. Principal's message, school calendar, before and after school programs. - http://www.danbury.k12.ct.us/Elemweb/raweb/index.htm
Pembroke Elementary School - Principal's message, parent information, mission statement, student services and classroom quips. - http://www.danbury.k12.ct.us/Elemweb/PEweb/index.htm
Park Avenue School - Virtual tour, Principal's page, calendar, special events, language arts and information for parents. - http://www.danbury.k12.ct.us/Elemweb/PAweb/index.htm
Morris Street School - Mission statement, breakfast and lunch menu, academic resources, student services, family resource center, staff directory and school calendar. - http://www.danbury.k12.ct.us/Elemweb/msweb/index.htm
Mill Ridge Primary School - Mission statement, school calendar, breakfast and lunch menu, art gallery, reading corner and information for parents. - http://www.danbury.k12.ct.us/Elemweb/MRPweb/index.htm
Mill Ridge Intermediate School - Profiles of school, staff and principal, plus information on classrooms, support programs, PTO and school's history. - http://www.danbury.k12.ct.us/Elemweb/mriweb/index.htm
King Street Primary School - School mission and calendar, Principal's message, parent information and staff list. - http://www.danbury.k12.ct.us/Elemweb/kspweb/index.htm
King Street Intermediate School - Profile of principal, breakfast and lunch menu, special programs, language arts, academic resources and butterfly migration project. - http://www.danbury.k12.ct.us/Elemweb/ksiweb/index.htm
Hayestown Avenue Elementary School - Mission statement, school calendar, educational links, student art corner and parent information. - http://www.danbury.k12.ct.us/Elemweb/haweb/index.htm
Broadview Middle School - Public school for grades 6-8. Virtual tour plus information on programs and guidance. - http://www.danbury.k12.ct.us/midweb/bms/index.htm
Great Plain Elementary School - Principal's message, school philosophy, news and information for parents. - http://www.danbury.k12.ct.us/Elemweb/gpweb/index.htm
Danbury Middle Schools - General information for policies and programs pertaining to the two middle schools in the district. - http://www.danbury.k12.ct.us/midweb/index.htm
Danbury Elementary Schools - Information on the various school programs, school calendar, conduct code, lunch program and using the internet. - http://www.danbury.k12.ct.us/Elemweb/index.htm
Rogers Park Middle School - Programs, activities and information on administration and clusters. - http://www.danbury.k12.ct.us/midweb/rpms/index.htm