Old St. Andrew's Episcopal Church - Includes a newsletter, text of sermons, information about Christian education, outreach, and the church cemetery. - http://www.oldstandrews.net/
Congregation Tikvoh Chadoshoh - Jewish congregation affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. - http://www.bloomfieldctc.uscjhost.net/
Mount Saint Benedict Cemetery - Partial listing of headstone transcriptions. - http://www.interment.net/data/us/ct/hartford/benedict.htm
St. Thomas Seminary & Archdiocesan Center - Catholic conference facility for groups involved in religious, ecumenical, educational or charitable missions. - http://www.stseminary.org/
Wintonbury Historical Society - Descriptive overview of the organization, its achievements and history, plus information on current activities. - http://www.bloomfieldcthistory.org/
Bloomfield Family History Center - Nonprofit genealogical library which is open to the public without charge. Facility includes microfilm readers, computers and microfiche readers. - http://www.rootsweb.com/~ctfhch/
Thursday's Child Adoption Agency - International adoption programs for children in Bulgaria, China, Guatemala, Vietnam, Kazakhstan and Russia. - http://tcadoption.org/
Boundless Playgrounds, Inc. - National, nonprofit organization which works with communities to facilitate the development of universal playgrounds. Headquartered in Bloomfield. - http://boundlessplaygrounds.org/
Bethel African American Episcopal Church - Mission statement plus information on the pastor, history, worship schedule and church theme. - http://www.bethelbloomfieldct.com/