Avon Adoptions for Dogs - Provides organization overview plus photos and information on pets available for adoption. - http://west.petfinder.com/shelters/CT101.html
The Carriage Club - Provides member list, events, hours and amenities. Includes photography gallery and fees. - http://www.carriageclubavon.org/
Kula Yoga Center - Offers classes for all levels of students, both adults and children. Includes staff biographies, schedules and directions. - http://www.kulayogacenter.com/
Avon Newcomers Group - Non-profit social organization whose purpose is to welcome newcomers to the town. Provides calendar, interest groups and membership information. - http://www.avonnewcomers.org/
Avon Education Foundation - Supports educational programs for all the citizens of the town and provides a way to help improve the quality of public education. Includes grant application, volunteer form and board member listing. - http://www.avonedfoundation.org/
Encore - Provide current club news, meeting dates, upcoming events and book club information. Includes special interest groups and board members listing. - http://www.avonencore.org/
Avon Lions Club - Provides information on meetings, announcements and email contacts. - http://avonct.lionwap.org/
Friends of Heublien Tower - Nonprofit organization established in 1985 to preserve and restore Heublein Tower and its surrounding estate located on Talcott Mountain. - http://www.friendsofheubleintower.org/
The Avon Historical Society - Nonprofit organization devoted to the preservation and restoration of Avon's historical and cultural past. - http://www.vintageaviation.net/ahs/ahshomepage.htm