Top: Regional: North_America: United_States: California: Government:
Government (162)
Vital Statistics Data Tables ![Open in a new window](/images/NewWin.gif) ![Link Details](/images/LinkDetails.gif) - Provides data on California’s births, deaths, and demographics. Data are presented in various forms (e.g., counts, rates, percentages), geographic levels (nation, state, county, ZIP code), and time periods (e.g., annual, multi-year trends). -![Lock this listing - So it can't be removed](/images/but_lock_regular.gif) ![Lock this listing - and upgrade it to Featured](/images/but_lockupgrade.gif)
The Mission of the Department of Fish and Game ![Open in a new window](/images/NewWin.gif) ![Link Details](/images/LinkDetails.gif) - Enforcement, F&G Commission & Regulations, Fishing, Habitat Conservation, Hunting and Trapping, Information & Education Office, Just 4 Kids, Lands and Facilities, Licensing, Site Map, Statistics & Databases, Spill Prevention & Respon -![Lock this listing - So it can't be removed](/images/but_lock_regular.gif) ![Lock this listing - and upgrade it to Featured](/images/but_lockupgrade.gif)