Harbor Economic Alliance - Coalition which promotes volunteerism, business and trade, and local tourism. Site provides PDF guides to neighborhood services, local demographics, links to neighborhood councils, and related links. - http://www.harbornow.com/
Small Business Development Center, Southeast Los Angeles County - A non-profit agency providing resources, knowledge and technical assistance to local businesses and entrepreneurs. List of services, workshop schedule, and consultant profiles available. - http://www.riohondo.edu/ecd/sbdc/
Southeast Los Angeles County Workforce Investment Board - A not-for-profit public benefit corporation providing job search, productivity training for businesses and career guidance for youth. Includes calendar and description of training, day care, and other services. - http://www.selaco.com/
Gateway Cities Partnership, Inc. - Community development corporation which invests in projects such as workforce development, business assistance, and sustainability planning. Services, publications, and related links provided. - http://www.gatewaycities.org/
Gateway Cities Council of Governments - Cooperative and advocacy association of city governments of southeastern Los Angeles County. Map, current studies and projects, and links to member cities provided. - http://www.gatewaycog.org/