Fresno County Green Party - Information on local, state, and national Green Party activities. Explains the ten key values of the party, provides useful links. -
Fresno County Sesquicentennial - Honors 150 years of Fresno County's history with a series of events and exhibits. -
Central Valley Progressive Political Action Committee - Advocates and lobbys for elected officials who support local human and civil rights issues, and sponsors "Get out the vote" campaign which encourages voter turnout. -
Fresno County Republican Party - Platform, officers, news, and events for local branch of political party. -
Fresno County Genealogy - From GenWeb, extensive data base for genealogy search in the county. -
Fresno Friends - Singles activities, articles of interest to singles. -
Boys & Girls Clubs of Fresno County - Offering programs in character and leadership development, health and life skills, education and career development, sports, and the arts to help young people reach their full potential. -
Habitat for Humanity Fresno - Nonprofit ecumenical Christian organization that builds housing for low-income families. Includes list of needed materials, paid and volunteer openings, and current events. -
Central California Alliance - Dedicated to promoting positive change, equal rights, social and networking opportunities for GLBT people through programs of community service and philanthropy. Newsletter, event calendar, and membership information. -
United Way of Fresno County - Working to help the community with Toys for Tots, Weed and Seed. Information about the organization, its buildings, members, supporters and agencies. -
The Political Graveyard: Fresno County - Political history site provides demographic summary, names and brief biographies of politicians who were born, lived or died in the county, and a list of cemeteries and memorial sites related to those politicians. -
Fresno Historical Society - History, culture and related events concerning the Central Valley. -
CASA of Fresno County - Court appointed special advocates are a child's voice in court. Serving Fresno County, California, since 1997. -
Central California Women's Conference - An annual conference celebrating women and all that they do, with information about the upcoming conference in September 2000, speakers, online reservations and related services. -