West Hills College - Community college based in Coalinga, with additional campuses in Lemoore and Firebaugh. - http://www.westhillscollege.com/
Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary - Provides theological education in Fresno, California and British Columbia, Canada. - http://www.mbseminary.com/
University of California - Kearney Agricultural Center - Site provides information about this center, the people, research and extension programs, events and meetings and links to other UC sites. - http://www.uckac.edu/
Fresno County Office of Education - Provider of educational services and internet access for Fresno County schools - http://www.fcoe.k12.ca.us/
Center for Peacemaking and Conflict Studies - Graduate education in conflict management and peacemaking leading to the MA degree. Intervention and consulting services are also offered. - http://www.fresno.edu/pacs/
Fresno Christian Schools - A directory of schools, alumni information, calendar, handbook and student life links. - http://www.fresnochristian.com/
San Joaquin College of Law - Offers opportunities for those desiring to become an attorney or a paralegal. - http://www.sjcl.edu/