The Art Deco Society of California - A not-for-profit organization with both serious and social activities. Events, membership, preservation awards (with photographs of some Deco buildings), guide to Art Deco in the San Francisco Bay area, magazine. -
UCal Berkeley CED Documents Collection - University of California College of Environmental Design holds architectural drawings, papers and photographs - the work of those who shaped the San Francisco Bay area in the early 20th century. -
Glass Steel and Stone: Buildings in California - Photographs and descriptions of the state's notable buildings. -
Richard Neutra and Other California Modern Architects - Photographs and brief descriptions of notable southern California buildings described by Minnesota architect Gary Turpening. Included are works of Neutra, Schindler, O'Herlihy, and Moss. -
University of Southern California School of Architecture - A large site with information about the school and its context, programs, facilities, financial aid, faculty profiles, courses, calendar and contacts. -
Architecture of California - Photographs and information, with sources, on a selection of significant buildings in California, from Great Buildings Online. -