Kodiak High School - Departments, staff, daily bulletin, parent's page, schedule, student handbook, and lunch menu. - http://www.kodiakschools.org/khs/
Kodiak Middle School - Activities, staff, and school information. - http://www.kodiakschools.org/kms/kmsnew/
North Star Elementary - Mission statement, school and staff information, calendar, lunch menu, and projects and activities. - http://www.kodiak.k12.ak.us/northstar/
Main Elementary - Vision statement, weekly schedule, school and staff information, calendar, lunch menu, and projects and activities. - http://www.kodiak.k12.ak.us/main/
East Elementary School - School and staff information, calendar, lunch menu, projects and activities, and contact information. - http://www.kodiak.k12.ak.us/eastelem/