KL7KC - Activities, calendar of events, disaster preparedness, membership, newsletter, and contact information. - http://www.kl7kc.com/
Midnight Sun Council Boy Scouts of America - Programs, calendar, events, Lost Lake Camp, seminars, resources, training, and contact information. - http://www.midnightsunbsa.org/mambo/
Resource Center for Parents and Children - A non-profit organization in Alaska that promotes healthy families. Family support services, WIC, and child abuse prevention. - http://www.rcpcfairbanks.org/
Big Brothers Big Sisters - Programs, events and calendar, photo gallery, resources, and stories. - http://www.bbbsfairbanks.org/
Festival Fairbanks - City history, celebrations and projects, webcam and photos, and upcoming events. - http://www.festivalfairbanks.org
United Way of the Tanana Valley - Member agencies raise funds during an annual campaign, volunteer opportunities, Prospector Club, and donor option application. - http://www.unitedwaytv.com/
Fairbanks Community Food Bank - A not-for-profit organization that provides food relief programs and assistance services to the people of Fairbanks, Alaska and the Tanana Valley region. - http://www.fairbanksfoodbank.org/
Fairbanks Area Rotary Clubs - Objectives, links and meeting schedules for Fairbanks, College, North Pole and Sunrisers clubs. - http://www.fairnet.org/agencies/rotary.html
Companions, Inc. - A non-profit, volunteer organization providing pet therapy. Pet requirements, visitation sites, meetings schedule, activities, and photo gallery. - http://www.canineworld.com/companionsinc/
Aurora Borealis Rotaract Club - Service club for men and women aged 18-30. News, list of events, and local information. - http://www.alaskarotaract.org/aurora/
Alaska Boreal Forest Council - Citizens advocating a natural resource policy. Mission statement, urgent issues, newsletter, publications, upcoming events, reading list, and membership donations. - http://www.akborealforest.org/
Alaska Native Costume - Bibliography, resources, links, and screensaver. Photos from Native Arts Festival, Sheldon Jackson Museum, and Tuma Theatre of Athabaskan and Eskimo costumes, beadwork, jewelry and dolls. - http://www.costumes.org/ethnic/1PAGES/AKLINKS.HTM