The Great Lakes Forecasting System - Bathymetry maps featuring current data and forecasts of water surface temperature and ice cover, integrated water currents, wind fields, and wave heights. -
Lake Ontario Keeper - Grassroots organization of an informed and empowered waterfront community, promoting access to public waterways and accountability for polluters through investigations, workshops, and, when necessary, criminal prosecutions. -
Great Lakes Diatoms - Collection of images of these microscopic organisms, classified by morphology and by genus. -
Great Lakes Fishery Commission - Binational agency coordinating fisheries research, sea lamprey control, and fisheries management among the state, provincial, tribal, and federal management agencies. Includes a fish image gallery and fact sheets about sea lampreys. -
NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory - US government institution conducting research on coastal and estuarine processes, and the interdependencies with the atmosphere, and sediments. Site includes extensive resources on the physical and biological aspects of the lakes and environmental concern -
Large Lakes Observatory - Institute on the Duluth campus of the University of Minnesota, dedicated to the study of large lakes world wide. Includes information on facilities, instruments, education opportunities, and research activities. -
Lake Michigan Potential Damages Study - Information about the US Army Corps of Engineers' long-term assessment of potential shoreline damages over the next 50 years due to fluctuating lake levels along this lake's shoreline. -
International Association for Great Lakes Research - Promotes Great Lakes and other large lakes research. Includes lake facts and information about the organization's journal and conferences. -
Great Lakes Water Levels - US Army Corps of Engineers information resource, including current lake levels, water levels in the connecting channels, historic data, and forecasts. -
Great Lakes Erosion Fact Sheet - Discussion of coastal landforms, erosion, waves, lake levels, and other aspects of the topic. -